Monday, May 6, 2019

Heads Up: Edgehill Rd. and Overlook Rd. Intersection Construction

We wanted to make riders aware that one of the busiest cycling passages in the region, the intersection of Overlook and Edgehill Roads, will be getting reconfigured this spring!
According to the Cleveland Heights communications department, "Construction is expected to begin the week of April 1, 2019, at the intersection of Edgehill Road and Overlook Road and is expected to last for eight to twelve weeks. Access to properties will be maintained with minimum impact to pedestrians and traffic.
The project involves narrowing the intersection to improve the ease of vehicular navigation, storm water mitigation enhancements, along with pedestrian enhancements including shortened crosswalks, new ADA compliant curb ramps, and high visibility crosswalks.
This project is being funded by the City of Cleveland Heights and the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency’s Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative.
Please use caution when driving through a work zone and check your speed. For questions contact Cleveland Heights' office of Capital Projects at 216-291-2470."